Energy efficient dehumidification in all climates

With Airwatergreen products you can reduce your operating costs by avoiding damage from moisture but also reduce unnecessary heating.

Dehumidification for water and sewerage

Drinking water and wastewater management infrastructure is a socially critical wetland with buildings located both above and below ground.

Investments in infrastructure are large and maintenance work over time is costly, with moisture damage being a cost driver. Pipes, buildings, instruments and other equipment are vulnerable to corrosion and bacterial growth. It’s a tough environment in parts!

Airwatergreen dehumidification technology is very suitable as it is equally energy efficient even at low temperatures. It makes it possible to reduce electricity consumption by cutting down on unnecessary heating while maintaining a good climate by removing moisture from the air.

REX i water and sewerageAirwatergreen products are very easy to install as they do not require any unnecessary routing of ventilation pipes. Dry air and water are produced on site and all our products can be easily connected for monitoring.

The products are built for the harsh environment that often exists in water and wastewater facilities. With 100s of installations, we have a good experience of creating successful installations in water and sewage.

Drinking water installations

  • waterworks : Pipe galleries, filter halls, polymer rooms, staff rooms and other areas and storage facilities. All with moisture challenges and cold surfaces that can generate condensation.
  • Pressure stations with cold pipe surfaces where dew point control is recommended
  • Water reservoirs

Wastewater treatment

  • Waste water treatment plants : pipe galleries, filter halls, swallowing shafts, staff rooms and other areas and storerooms. All with moisture challenges and the risk of mold and bacterial growth.
  • Pumping stations :
    • With odor challenges where there is a need for reduction of hydrogen sulphide using carbon filters.
    • No odor challenges.


  • Airwatergreen has a framework agreement through SINFRA. In other words, our products are easily available for purchase through SINFRA framework agreements.